Kanab Driver License Office

Utah DMVThis is the Kanab Driver License Office details. If you’re looking for a driver license office in Kanab, Utah, then the office is your one-stop destination. This article provides essential details, such as the address, opening and closing hours, services offered, and contact details, including telephone number and email.

Kanab Driver License Office

The address and contact details follow. The office is located at 468 E 300 S, Kanab, UT 84741. For any queries or information, you can contact the office at (435) 644-2458 or via email at . Additionally also see the details of the Cedar City Driver License Office and Cedar City DMV (Registration & Title).

The opening and closing hours are a follows as you will see. The office is open from Monday to Friday, from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. However, it remains closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and all state holidays. Thus, it is advisable to plan your visit accordingly to avoid any inconvenience.

Services Offered:

The driver license office provides a wide range of services related to driver’s licenses, identification cards, and vehicle registrations. Some of the services offered by the office include issuing new and renewed driver’s licenses, ID cards, and learner permits, taking driver’s license tests, conducting driving skill tests, and processing vehicle registrations and titles. See also Utah Car Insurance on here.


In conclusion, the driver license office is a convenient location to obtain essential services related to driver’s licenses, ID cards, and vehicle registrations. With its address, opening and closing hours, and contact details. The office aims to provide an easy and hassle-free experience for its customers. Additionally whether you’re a new driver or need to renew your license, make sure to visit the license office for all your needs. Likewise the is also the Heber Driver License Office as well as the hashtags Saint George DMV and the Sandy Utah DMV as well.

See also  Ogden Driver License Office



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