Auto Insurance Quote Traffic Violations

Types on InsuranceSee the Auto Insurance Quote Traffic Violations. When taking out auto insurance there are also the issue of traffic violations. These affect your auto insurance premiums and vary depending on the violation. Below is an example of what the difference in auto insurance might be. Even minor violations cost a bit extra such as speeding.

Auto Insurance Quote Traffic Violations


Speeding violations might add another $20 per month to your auto insurance. Note that this was based on a 2014 Ford vehicle.  You will note below that the extra cost would more likely than not be. You can also see what different occupations pay for insurance on this website. Lastly also see the Walker County tags as well as the over 50 insurance discounts and the Alaska DMV.


Occupation Monthly Insurance
No Traffic Violation $ 104.02
Violation : Minor such as speeding $ 126.51

If you have had a major traffic violation then the insurance costs would more likely than not double. Evading the police would more than double your insurance coverage. This becomes very costly.

Occupation Monthly Insurance
No Traffic Violation $ 104.02
Violation : Major such as evading police $ 246.99

Much like evading the police a DUI would also more than double your insurance.

Occupation Monthly Insurance
No Traffic Violation $ 104.02
Violation : Major such as DUI $ 246.99

Having your driver license suspended before adds to the cost but not by that much.

Occupation Monthly Insurance
No Traffic Violation $ 104.02
Violation : Major such as revoked licence $ 160.52
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Occupation Monthly Insurance
No Traffic Violation $ 104.02
Violation : Major such as previously suspended licence $ 160.52


The Auto Insurance based on Occupation explains how your income and education affects your premiums. Additionally see also Collision Deductible as well as Roadside Assistance and Medical coverage.

Auto Insurance premiums based on Traffic Violations


From this table of data, we can surmise the following:


  1. Impact of Traffic Violations on Insurance Costs: The table provides insight into how different types of traffic violations can affect monthly insurance premiums for individuals with no traffic violations.
  2. Minor Violations Increase Costs: Likewise if an individual has committed a minor traffic violation, such as speeding, their monthly insurance premium increases to $126.51. Lastly this indicates that even relatively minor traffic infractions can lead to higher insurance costs.
  3. Major Violations More Than Double Costs: Note that major traffic violations, such as evading the police or driving under the influence (DUI). Likewise this significantly impacts your insurance premiums. In the case of evading the police or a DUI. Note that the monthly premium more than doubles to $246.99. Lastly this suggests that these serious violations lead to substantial increases in insurance expenses.
  4. Driver’s License Suspension Adds to Costs: Having a driver’s license previously suspended or revoked results in increased insurance costs. Note that although not as high as those for major violations like evading the police or DUI. In both cases, the monthly premium is $160.52. Lastly this implies that a history of license suspension or revocation leads to higher insurance rates but not to the extent seen with major violations.
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Likewise the data highlights the significant impact of traffic violations on insurance premiums. Note that minor violations lead to moderate increases in premiums, while major violations, such as evading the police or DUI, result in substantial cost increases, often more than doubling the monthly premium.

Additionally, having a history of license suspension or revocation also leads to higher insurance costs, though not as severe as major violations. Lastly these findings emphasize the importance of safe and responsible driving to maintain lower insurance expenses.




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